Taiwan startup releases an innovative portable private cloud device

Carrying Cloud Box is a portable, innovative private cloud device released by Taiwan startup Netfay.With the COVID-19 pandemic, people have had to work from home and required to collaborate remotely. This has made file sharing difficult to manage effectively and requires files to be stored on public servers that risk exposing private company data. NetFay developed Carrying Cloud Box as a solution to these challenges, which earned it a place on the roster of Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA)’s 100 featured Taiwanese startups showcased at CES 2021.


Carrying Cloud Box allows mobile users to self-manage their private data, auto backup their mobile data anytime, securely access and group share data anywhere, and use an interface that is user-friendly even for novice users. No monthly fees apply when expanding storage space. Carrying Cloud Box allows portable devices and pluggable storage to meet travel and home office needs, the built-in HDMI interface allows display of multimedia content, and authenticated groups and people are provided as a data centre for real-time collaboration.



NetFay CEO Kuei-Fu Hsu, said “current private cloud solutions focus on advanced users. These solutions are typically not easy to set up and use for generic users who lack basic IT knowledge. Although public cloud solutions have the advantage of being easy to use, some people are not satisfied with the main pain points such as personal privacy management and the monthly fees required to expand storage space.”


Hsu noted that in order to improve public-cloud problems such as privacy risks, high costs, difficult setup procedures, and unfriendly user interfaces, Carrying Cloud Box introduced an innovative private cloud architecture that provides a user experience that is similar to public clouds, peer to peer encrypted communication to secure personal privacy, and extended storage space with no monthly fees. Using NetFay’s innovative private cloud service, mobile users can easily back up, access, and share private data to authenticated users and groups anytime, anywhere.


Carrying Cloud Box allows the automatic backup of mobile data, the sharing of data to authenticated friends/groups anytime and anywhere, the periodic syncing of pre-set data to another Carrying Cloud Box, and the permission management of people-oriented friends and groups.  This solution also features share-out data (from Carrying Cloud Box to mobile social applications) and share-in data (from mobile social applications to Carrying Cloud Box). Furthermore, the built-in player in Carrying Cloud Box allows you to play stored content directly.


NetFay launched Carrying Cloud Box, a people-oriented group management platform, to easily manage data sharing and collaborative storage tasks. Its innovative architecture also allows this solution to connect with IoT devices such as surveillance cameras and monitors, delivering more autonomous management rights to users.



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