First day of Hong Kong Blockchain Week well attended
The first day of Block 020 -Hong Kong Blockchain Week (HKBCW) 2019 was hectic in between the main stage keynotes and panels, to the open stage sessions running concurrently with the exhibition booths all in the same area.Innovation Hong Kong, as a supporting organisation was able to get a look at of some of the hey activities of the day.
Major keynotes were delivered by Bart Chilton, former Commissioner, US Commodities and Trade Futures Commission following Juwan Lee, CEO of Nexchange ( hosts of the event) and Managing Director Andrew Work’s welcome and opening remarks on blockchain and the ecosystem.
Andrew Work, Managing Director Nexchange
Interesting panels followed throughout the morning including panels on Government and Blockchain, applications of blockchain in the financial industry in Asia and more. In the afternoon the “Hong Kong Regulatory Environment” moderated by Lapman Lee from Deloittes and panellists,Kristi Swartz,Wilson Pang, HKMA and Clara Chiu, Securities Futures Commission shared important insights.
Regulatory panel
Tae Yoo, Managing Director, Global Client Development from Hong Kong Exchange & Clearing (HKEX) went on to discuss DLT – distributed ledger technology- with e-StockConnect and value implications before racing off to join another panel on the open stage where he was joined by other Exchanges discussing whether “traditional players can move forward”.
Tae Yoo, HKEX
Exchanges Panel
Charles Lam from Cyberport talked about partnership and community at Cyberport with blockchain development. He introduced us to three executives on his panel-Terence Lam, CEO, Loopnest Accelerator; Simon Au Yeung, Chief Operating Officer, Hashkey Group and Kent Makishima, Co-founder, Armada Chain, (visiting from San Francisco and exploring Hong Kong’s ecosystem). They all were positive about the great community at Cyberport which was assisting their businesses to develop with networking and introductions to a like-minded community.
Cyberport panel