enabling smooth interoperability of the world’s payment services

In the digital payment systems of today interoperability is hard to achieve due to payments being settled in a single online step. Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payment with Digital Cash that settles payments in two steps, first offline and then online. This enables payments that always work and can also be made with preserved integrity. Digital Cash is extremely flexible and complements all types of payment schemes, both on cards and mobiles.


The new patent-pending innovation with application number SE2150159-8  makes payment services internationally interoperable, through the issuing of a global root certificate of the Digital Cash service. Payment in other countries also becomes possible through handling of exchange rates offline. This invention is extremely valuable from an international perspective, as payment schemes – cards, Real-Time Payments and CBDC – can be used over international borders. A national interoperability between different payment schemes is also important, especially to accelerate the implementation of Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC.


Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish, stated “with Digital Cash, Crunchfish establishes a new international rail for digital payments that enables different payment services even from different payment schemes to interact. This opens up new possibilities and has the potential to fundamentally change the ecosystem for digital payments.”


Recently, Crunchfish also announced the possibility to implement Digital Cash on cards. The solution leverages the fact that it is not important to the merchants if the transfer to their accounts occurs at the moment-of-payment or a little later, as long as there is trust that the transfer will occur. It is critical however, that the payment experience must be robust, smooth and secure. This implies that the transaction cannot be dependent on the Internet and cloud payment services. No matter how much investments are made into IT-infrastructure, the systems will never be operational 24/7.


An ingenious solution is simply to implement this two-tier settlement architecture. Recently, the same approach was proposed by VISA in a research paper describing an Offline Payment System (OPS) protocol applied to CBDC. Crunchfish’s original solution was not however limited to CBDC, but equally applicable to all payment schemes – Card, Real-Time Payments and Closed-Loop Wallets.


Crunchfish, the tech company with patent-pending solutions for digital cash  can be integrated with both payment rail or in a mobile wallet. The solutions are globally scalable and makes digital payments more robust as the risks of disruptions and downtime are eliminated.


The company also developed Blippit, an app terminal that connects to a cash register system for both online and offline payments. Crunchfish also develops gesture control of smart AR glasses for the consumer market. Crunchfish has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016 with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with representation in India.



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