AI-Centric 5.5G solutions launched
Vice President of Huawei and President of Huawei Wireless Solution Cao Ming, introduced AI-Centric 5.5G solutions at the Huawei Product & Solution Launch during MWC Barcelona 2025. According to Cao, “Mobile AI is booming, bringing three major transformations to mobile networks in terms of business models, O&M, and user experience.” By providing a variety of AI application experiences, effective O&M with high-level network autonomy, and multi-factor business monetisation, Huawei’s intent-driven AI-Centric 5.5G solutions let operators take advantage of the new prospects.

Everyone is gaining from mobile AI- causing mobile business to undergo three major changes.
Every individual, organisation, and society on the planet is being significantly impacted by artificial intelligence (AI), and mobile networks are enabling AI to spread globally. Higher demands are being placed on mobile networks as a result of the mutually beneficial growth of AI and mobile networks, which is also changing the mobile sector in three ways.
First, the downlink gravitation in user experience is giving way to a variety of dimensions.More diversified capabilities are needed, such as higher uplink for multimodal AI interactions, reduced latency for real-time agent conversations, and cell-free coverage for ubiquitous AI accessibility, as mobile connections are growing from human-to-human to human-to-AI and AI-to-AI.
Second, autonomous network (AN) L3 is giving way to AN L4 and beyond in terms of network O&M.Power consumption across devices, networks, and clouds is predicted to rise sharply due to the considerable increase in AI traffic. Moreover, more sophisticated network O&M results from expanding AI linkages. These elements emphasize how important high-level network autonomy is for increasing productivity.
Third, multi-factor monetisation is replacing traffic-based business models. Innovations in AI applications expand the dimensions of the experience, which incentivises operators to switch from traffic to experience monetisation. The transition from connectivity-oriented to value-based monetisation is being facilitated by the increasing demand for AI services.
Building a solid connectivity infrastructure for mobile AI
Intent-driven implementations are used in Huawei’s AI-Centric 5.5G solutions to assist operators in navigating these three significant changes. With the help of products like GigaGear, GreenPulse, and GainLeap, networks may improve user experience, increase productivity, and open up new business prospects.
In order to guarantee effective, flexible scheduling on networks for various users and scenarios, GigaGear focuses on intent-driven resource collaboration in the time, frequency, spatial, and power domains. This gives AI apps excellent adaptability and a wide range of experiences.
Intent-driven automation is introduced by GreenPulse to optimize energy and spectrum efficiency. The system offers high-level network autonomy for “0 Touch, 0 Wait, 0 Fault” and multi-agent collaboration, automating precise energy saving for “0 Bit, 0 Watt, 0 Loss.”
Operators are empowered by GainLeap’s intent-driven experience and value monetisation. On-demand service orchestration and network capabilities openness are made possible by the RAN intelligent service engine (RISE). Through the use of hardware and software cooperation with the radio access network (RAN), operators can ensure a variety of experiences.
New Solutions
Huawei’s AI-Centric 5.5G solutions include a complete range of all-scenario 5G-AA devices, which work in unison with the RISE to enable E2E intent-driven automation in mobile networks.”The three ground-breaking 5.5G technologies that are AI-centric are only the beginning. In the future, we’ll keep innovating with all of our partners and create new solutions to satisfy the changing needs of mobile AI,” Cao said.